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David Davis2

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Aug. 6, 2018





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Honda Civic 2017 no crank

Hello, I installed my evo-all module to act as a bypass for my Firstech CM7000 remote starter. Commands are being sent to the module and unlocking/locking the doors, opening the trunk and other commands function properly. However, when trying to remote start the vehicule, the engine doesn't even crank. The lights on the dashboard light up as if it was going to crank and start the engine but it just never does and retries this sequence three times before giving up and automatically stopping the remote start sequence. Something tells me that it has something to do with the starter wire. The instructions say to connect the positive starter wire from the remote starter to the starter wire of the car and to connect the negative starter wire from the remote starter to the clutch pedal wire. This is where I may have an issue... My remote starter has a positive 12V starter wire, but not a negative 12V one. I am then left with two positive 12V starter wires. When I start my car with the push-button, everything works as it should. I wanted to test the starter wire in my car. To do that, I probe the wire with a test light and check what happens. it should be 12V only during crank. However, my car doesn't crank at all if I am probing this wire with my test light... As soon as I remove my test light tip from the wire and try to start the car with the button it works without a glitch. So touching the starter wire with a test light doesn't let me start the car... Any idea on how I can troubleshoot further? Thank you

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